Friday, April 27, 2012

Garden Geek


With so many projects on our list, it seemed as if we’d never get to our garden. So we took a day last week and tilled and planted. YAY! Every day I run out to see what has sprouted, and yes, I do laugh at myself. I feel like the woman from that popular commercial “open open open” well my diligence has paid off! Our garden is sprouting!

 lsg-1-3lsg-3-2 lsg-2-3  

Last year we had too much of some things and not enough of others, so this year we planted have two 6ft x 4ft raised cedar beds, and we spaced things out a bit.


okra 7-14 germinate 55-60 days full grown Tomato okra 7-14 germinate 55-60 days full grown cotton potatos bok choi and cotton
tomato loose leaf lettuce moist soil 10-14 days germinate 40-60 days full sized tomato carrots collards bok choi
bell pepper 10-12 germinate 75 days full grown strawberry carrots spinach cabbage
yellow water melon watermelon onion 10-21 days germinate 60-120 days full sized green beans green beans green beans

I can hardly wait for the okra and my cotton to sprout! That being said, the carrots and potatoes came up from last years composting (the way my Fav plants), and the strawberries and mint remained and are doing quite well. Well the mint migrated. We did try getting rid of it, but it moved to the center on its own, and really, I kinda like how it flavors the other veggies from the cross pollination. All in all, I am geeked about our garden, and am looking forward to this years crop. Watermelon anyone?

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